
3-D Printing seems to be the talk of the printing industry lately. I believe it is brilliant! It is an amazing concept that can open a whole new window of opportunities for anyone affected by the printing industry. 

Some of the perks to this new technology is the freedom it offers to design and perform short-run production, creating the ability to find and quickly fix any defects. The downside for small businesses in the development of this product is that the cost and risk of making new 3-D prototypes is pricey. But the cycle time gets reduced from months to days and can lower the cost from thousands to hundreds of dollars in the production process. So if they can foot the initial bill to start producing 3-D prototypes it can help them save money in the long run...but they need the overhead to make that plunge first. 

Creative ability is going to skyrocket, especially in the architectural industry. Rather then needing to go back to the drawing board on house plans you can edit your 3-D print and see the changes almost instantaneously, saving time and money along the way. 

This industry is obviously still in the beginning phase in Canada though. I visited a fairly large printing plant (Friesen's) on the outskirts of Winnipeg, MB 4 years ago and they were just starting some 3-D printing then, and it was quite pricey. But it still hasn't picked up to be mass produced yet and makes me wonder if people really are all that interested? The idea has been out for over 20 years and is really only gaining popularity now it seems.

Overall, I think it's great though. 3-D printing will help bring the printing industry to a whole new level. Freedom, creativity and quick turn over are all very positive factors to this new process that should turn heads and get this thing going.