
Today I found this interesting article (linked below) posted on a friend's newsfeed on Facebook about Generation Jobless, or what they repeatedly in the documentary call the "Lost Generation". It's interesting because I find that lately I have been stumbling across many articles about the 20-somethings generation. Now, I fall into that category so the fact that I find so many of these articles on my newsfeed from my friends of that age group really only makes sense. But it also makes me panic a little, and lets me see that so many people in the same age group as me are panicking a little too. Is life really supposed to be this tough? Is it really supposed to be this hard to find a job in the field we were hoping, or even a job at all? I'm not in any way opposed to hard work to get what I want (hey, I started my own business about 6 months ago and let me tell you that was NO easy feat! And still isn't today. But I also haven't given up). In the following article the 20-something's interviewed all express the same feeling too, we aren't afraid of hard work. 

The questions are, Have we been mislead by our government, our schools, our parents? Have we become over educated? Should we be lowering our standards and shooting for less? Have our parents set unrealistical goals for us and our lives that are unattainable? Will we ever make the wages and the lifestyle of our parents?

So many of these questions are unanswerable and it's frustrating. If there were to be one word every 20-something out there would use for their life and their career right now it would be 'frustrating'. 

I'm not here to point fingers at anyone though. I know it's a tough world out there and that we definitely have to pay our dues and work our butts off. And I don't want to place blame here, but there are some good points brought up in this article. Why does the education system continue to accept us into programs that they know aren't going to provide us with careers? Why isn't the goverment helping us more? All interesting thoughts. There were definitely many moments throughout this documentary where I went "huh" or "that's so true!". So I just wanted to share it.

Watch it. Think about it. Share it with your friends and family. Becuase it is definitely something I think everyone should be a bit concerned about and contemplating for sure. This is our future here, let's treat it right!
